AVK Dance Studio 2024-2025 Handbook

Handbook & Policies

The following information is an overview of studio policies. The policies below are applicable to the 2024-2025 Dance Season. 

2024-2025 SEASON TUITION: Tuition amounts are detailed at the studio and may be collected online only via Dance Studio Pro. The amount is based on the total class time per week. It is paid in a flat, monthly fee. Monthly tuition accounts for long months, short months, Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, and Spring Break. Pro-rations are not available for this inclusive pricing, and your tuition will not change on a monthly basis. The tuition is calculated to account for long and short months, as well as the rehearsal and performance process. Payment for June is taken in May to ensure all accounts are paid in full before entering the very busy week of recital performances. 

ATTENDANCE AND MAKE-UP POLICY: It is important for your dancer to attend class on a regular basis. Each dancer may not miss more than 3 classes a semester. If a child misses more that one class consecutively, you must communicate prior to absence. Instructor, choreography, and class components may vary depending on your make-up choice. Excessive absences are not conducive to the best learning environment for the student. A failure to commit to attendance will result in dismissal from special programs or studio all together. Absences do not quality for tuition refunds. We may also conduct make-up classes for inclement weather closings as well as shorter holiday closings (Labor Day, Halloween, MLK Day, and Memorial Day). Black out months for attendance are December and May. Please plan accordingly.

CALENDAR: The 2024-2025 Dance Season begins on Monday, August 5th, 2024 and ends June 7th.

COMMUNICATION: A bulletin board via the parent portal is available with news for you to view and read. Please take the time to scan the bulletin board regularly to stay informed of studio happenings and/or announcements. In lieu of printing and mailing information, we will communicate primarily through email and text messaging. Please keep your email address updated to continue receiving communication. You may receive text updates via the website which uses google numbers. Please do not ignore.

COSTUME FEE: For the Winter Production and Spring Recital, costumes will be ordered for each class. The costume fee is $80.00 per class (due October 1st for Holiday production). Costume fees are non-refundable. If a student withdraws prior to the recital, he/she will be able to pick-up their costume the week after costume distribution begins (generally, in early-mid May). All costumes must be picked up by June 1st, 2025, or they will become the property of AVK Dance Studio. Costumes are ordered in the fall semester and can not be transferred to the Spring Semester.

DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR POLICY: We will make every effort to work with our students to encourage personal responsibility and accountability for their actions. We understand the importance of the learning process, and we expect studio rules to be followed. In the event a behavior is disrupting a class, it may result in the following: (a) 2 verbal warnings to the dancer, (b) reflective opportunity to consider correcting the disruptive behavior, (c) consultation with the student and/or parents (depending on the situation), and (d) dismissal policy. In the event of a student dismissal, the studio reserves the right to cancel enrollment for the following reasons:  (a) non-payment or excessive late payment of fees, (b) lack of observance of rules or policies of the studio, (c) student has needs we cannot adequately meet with our current program, (d) physical and/or verbal abuse of staff or children, by parent or child. 

DRESS CODE POLICY: Our Dress Code Policy is detailed on our Dress Code Sheet. Please pay close attention to the apparel, shoe, and hair requirements for each style of dance. If students are not dressed appropriately, they will receive one verbal warning. For future classes, they may be asked to sit and observe the class (while taking notes) if their lack of preparedness prohibits their ability to participate. Our dress code requirements reflect our desire to promote a class-act, distraction free environment that promotes the visibility of the lines of the body for the varying styles of dance. No holes,runs in tights or shoes!

INCLEMENT WEATHER/Act of God/Pandemic: AVK Dance Studio generally follows Spartanburg County Public School District 7 System's schedule for inclement weather. If Spartanburg County is closed, the studio will usually be closed; however, there may be instances where the studio will be open. For inclement weather information, please rely on social media and email/text. We will communicate any closing information in a timely manner. Missed classes will be made-up the same way as a regular absence. Classes missed because of inclement weather will not be reason for tuition reimbursement. In the case that class in no longer deemed safe to have in person we will have to cancel the class for that particular time..

LIABILITY: I understand and acknowledge that there is a risk of injury inherent in dance activities and that personal injury or damage to property may result during participation in dance and related activities. By signing myself or my child up, I am representing that I/he/she is physically able to safely participate in dance and related activities. I agree to assume all risks associated with my or my child’s participation in dance instruction, rehearsal, performance and related activities. In consideration, of receiving dance instruction from AVK Dance Studio, LLC, I hereby waive, release, and discharge all present and future claims and liabilities of any kind, whether for bodily injury, property damage, or other loss, arising out of my or my child’s participation in dance and related activities, including but not limited to dance instruction, rehearsals, and performances, whether conducted on or off studio premises. I also acknowledge that I am responsible for delivering my child to the studio and picking her/him up and that the studio is not responsible for a child that leaves the premises.

LOBBY RULES:  1. Parents are expected to be prompt in drop-off and pick-up of their dancer. 2. Students MUST wait inside the building to be picked up. 3. All students should use the restroom prior to the beginning of class. 4. Please keep the lobby as quiet and clean as possible. 5. Please do not interrupt the instructors during the class sessions. All concerns should be presented to the Front Desk or emailed to the Artistic Director and will be addressed within 24-48 hours. 6. AVK Dance Studio is not responsible for unsupervised children.  

MEDIA: AVK Dance Studio has permission to use dancer's likeness in advertisements, social media, news releases, and/or on the website. If you are opposed to use of your dancer's image, please let the front desk know and we will gladly accommodate your request. 

MEDICAL ATTENTION/ALLERGIES: If your dancer has any medical or behavioral challenges, conditions, or concerns OR has ANY particular type of allergy, please let us know about the condition in detail. It is very important that we are aware of your child's needs PRIOR to their enrollment. 

PARENT OBSERVATION: We want our students to learn in a distraction-free environment. It is exceptionally important for parents to refrain from entering the dance studio classroom unless they are specifically invited by the office staff and/or instructors. 

PAYMENT: Tuition payment is DUE on the 1st of each month and is past due on the 5th or past the first week of classes in that month. AVK Dance Studio accepts credit/debit cards as payment. We do not accept cash payments. You may fully control your AVK Account and payments via the AVK Parent Portal . If you have payment preferences outside of the designated period, we ask that you please communicate with the studio in advance. AVK Dance Studio reserves the right to apply a $25 late fee per month to all past due accounts. If your account falls behind more than one month, you will be asked to pay the full amount or your child's enrollment will be subject to cancellation. All dancers will be required to enroll into auto-pay and must have a card on file. If auto-pay bounces back, you may no longer be allowed to attend classes in future and may be dismissed from the studio. All accounts must be paid in full in order to receive your recital costume,  comp tickets and to participate in the production/recital.

Production/RECITAL TICKETS: Tickets will be available for purchase for the show via the AVK website. We will announce when they go on sale. We require a $45 dollar production fee which covers childcare and food during each production.

REGISTRATION FEE: Each dancer is required to pay a registration fee of $35 per dancer. This fee is non-refundable and covers the entire dance season.

TUITION DISCOUNT: Discount is available for dancers who take 2 or more classes.

 STUDENT CONDUCT: All students are expected to arrive to class on time and should always behave in a respectful and appropriate manner. We do not tolerate bullying of any kind. We also do not condone inappropriate interactions between students. Students will be asked to observe and/or call their parents for early pick-up if behavior is deemed inappropriate. Please note that cell phones and other technological devices may not be used during dance class. If you need to reach your child during dance class, please call the front office.

WITHDRAWAL POLICY: We encourage all of our students to complete the full season of dance as a mark of goal achievement; however, we understand mid-year withdrawals may be necessary. If you wish to remove your dancer from our programming, you must submit a 30-day withdrawal notice via email to info@avkdancestudio.com . The 30-day notice will go into effect per the date of the email received. We will not credit tuition or assume a student has withdrawn for lack of communication and/or excessive absences. During the 30-day notice period, you are still responsible for paying tuition/late fees, and the account will not be deactivated until it is at a zero balance.

**Submission of any registration form indicates that these policies have been read and understood.**